Call for Applications: Science Journalism Internships


An opportunity for journalism and communications students to practice their skills in a genuinely scientific environment: participants will meet researchers from EDUC-Share partner universities, learn about their studies and projects, and report their findings and upcoming initiatives to the general public. The internship includes a 1-week-long funded mobility to visit the researchers at their home institutions abroad. At the conclusion of the internship, students will prepare a set of PR materials that will be shared and published.


Each partner university identified one or two priority research topics:

·        Life Long Health and Wellbeing (University of Pécs, Hungary)

·        Culture and heritage (Paris Nanterre University, France)

·        Justice, inequality, and inclusion (Paris Nanterre University, France)

·        Mobility / Smart cities (University of Rennes, France)

·        European Union Studies (University of Cagliari, Italy)

·        Sustainable Changes: climate and resources (University of Potsdam, Germany)

·        Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)


After a successful application, each student will be connected to one of the research topics listed above and an internship tutor will be assigned to each student and will agree with him/her on a program for the whole internship.


The internship will be scheduled in two stages:

1)   During the first stage, he or she will get in touch with relevant scientists with the goal of finding out information about their research and using the knowledge to draw up/draft PR outcomes such as articles, social network posts, interviews, stories, podcasts, videos. Selected students will cooperate and exchange experiences and insights through a web collaboration platform receiving feedback on their work. Most of the exchange between students and researchers during this stage will be hosted online.

2)   Students who complete successfully the first stage will be offered a one-week funded mobility and may continue with the internship in the university selected.


The student who completes the whole internship will receive a final certificate. The internship mobility will take place during the 2023 spring semester. The PR materials and outcomes must be created in English.


Timeline of the internship:

-      February 20 – March 12: collecting applications

-      March 13 – March 26: Application evaluation process

-      Beginning of April: start of the internship (students will be contacted via email), exchanges with the internship tutor, get to know the research, and EDUC-Share

-      End of April: deadline for delivering 1st set of PR materials to the host university

-      May/June: possible mobility, delivering of 2nd set of PR materials, end of internship


Application rules and process


Who can apply:


Bachelor's and Master’s students of journalism, media studies, or similar communication fields from one of the 6 universities of EDUC-Share.


Application requirements

 Language skills: English level required B2

 Other skills:

Basic knowledge of journalistic writing, various formats of media communication, and of the concept of public relations

Creativity, initiative, and ambition are welcome, especially for the work in PR materials


Selection and recruitment process

You will send an application to the EDUC-Share coordinator at your university (contacts below). Your university will do an evaluation and will select a candidate. Afterward, at an EDUC-SHARE meeting, the students will be matched with one of the research topics above by a Selection Committee.


All applications should be submitted in English by March 12, 2023, to the EDUC-SHARE coordinator at your university along with the following documents included in an official application form:


1)   A short CV (including contact information, field of study, English level)

2)   A short motivation letter (1600 characters including spaces maximum)

3)   A short answer to the question: What do you think science journalism is and is it important? (500 characters including spaces maximum).

4)   Optional: work samples (articles, podcasts, social networks posts, interviews…)



To apply, use our application form and send it to the EDUC-SHARE coordinator at your university by March 12, 2023.


Masaryk University coordinator: Eva Nagyová,

University of Pécs coordinator: Kinga Rippl,

Paris Nanterre University coordinator: Claudia Dell'Uomo d'Arme,

University of Rennes coordinator: Cátia Martins,

University of Cagliari coordinator: Sara Melis,

University of Potsdam coordinator: Nancy Wegner,


This internship is a part of an EDUC-Share activity within Working Package 8 "Dissemination and communication”, specifically Task 8.2 “Internships for student journalists in a genuinely scientific environment”. The project EDUC-SHARE has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101017526.