Call for participating offices: EDUC Staff Secondments

Call for participating offices: EDUC Staff Secondments picture
We're excited to announce our Staff Secondments program and we're looking for participating offices! During 2025, we're hoping to find 1 to 3 offices at each partner university that can welcome a staff member for this exchange.

If this sounds like something your office would like to be a part of, please fill out our form:

Join the EDUC Staff Secondment programme (

We're looking forward to an exciting exchange of ideas and experiences in 2025!


It's a unique chance for administrative staff to spend between 2 to 6 months working at one of the EDUC partner universities. This is an opportunity for both the hosting university and the visiting staff member to learn, grow, and exchange ideas.


As a host, you'll need to provide a few things:

  • Workspace
  • Access to your university's IT systems
  • Help in finding accommodation
  • A local contact person to help with administrative issues and training
  • An introduction to your institution, including a 2-week schedule for the initial phase
  • Assistance with immigration matters, if needed


We're particularly interested in the following areas, but we're open to others as well:

  • International or European project offices
  • Libraries
  • Student services
  • Sustainability initiatives
  • Language centers

Other areas that may be of interest:

  • Communication and marketing
  • Knowledge and technology transfer/start-ups
  • Human Resources
  • Career Services
  • Business relations department

If this sounds like something your office would like to be a part of, please fill out our form:

Join the EDUC Staff Secondment programme (

We're looking forward to an exciting exhange of ideas and experiences in 2025!