Call for tutors for Staff Language Programme

Call for tutors for Staff Language Programme picture
The EDUC Staff Language Programme is a tool for the development of language skills and cultural competence. The programme pairs two administrative staff members from different universities within the EDUC-alliance to practice a language of their choice, enhancing intercultural communication skills in a friendly and professional environment.    


Sign up here untill May 15th (

More on the EDUC Staff Language Programme and it's E-Tandem component (

The tutor will supervise E-Tandem participants/pairs during the E-Tandem programme, as follows:  

  • Establish and maintain regular contact with the learners  
  • Help develop and maintain a friendly and constructive relationship between the pairs 
  • Support learners in matching their expectations and setting their goals  

The recruitment of tutors will be based on the following principles:

  • staff members, primarily working in language centres and/or language departments at the institutions
  • priority will be given to tutors already trained in the pilot phase of the E-Tandems in EDUC I 
  • tutors should be skilled in fostering foreign language and intercultural communication and will be selected for their expertise in language learning and pedagogy  
  • English B2 level 
  • Willingness and openness to guide pairs in other languages from the alliance  

Each tutor is expected to follow until 4 pairs. The expected workload is as follow: 

  • Participation to a dedicated training session for tutors (2h) in May
  • 3 feedback sessions with the pairs, in May, September and November (3hs with each pair = 12 hours total)
  • Preparation of feedback sessions, organisation of the work, follow-up and supervision of pairs on Teams (12 hours) 

Total estimated: 26 hours 


Sign up here untill May 15th (