Conversation lessons and language courses in Italian, Spanish and English



Intensive language courses are offered by the University of Cagliari. These courses are designed to involve every aspect of the language: grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary, with the aim of developing the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


5 online synchronous courses of Italian A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 level will start from March 10th, 2021.


These courses are designed to involve every aspect of the language: grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary, with the aim of developing the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


Each course lasts 80 hours and will be held on 3 days a weekTo access the final test students should attend at least 80% of the scheduled hours.

The course is subject to a fee for students of the University of Cagliari, but there are n. 50 places free of charge reserved for EDUC students: 2 per course per university.


Please note that the level of the language course students are going to attend will be determined only after a mandatory language test. The test is not necessary in the case of students who have no knowledge of the Italian language.


Contact your international department till February 26, 2021.

Here below a summary of the main information


Starting date: March 10, 2021

Duration: 80 hours

Timetable: A1 - A2 - B1 - 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 18:00 to 20:00

Timetable: B2 – C1 - 3 days a week: Tuesday, Thursday from 18:00 to 20:00 - Saturday from 15:00 to 17:00

EDUC participants: 2 per course per university

Credits: 8 ECTS

Deadline for applications: February 26, 2021




Intensive language courses are offered by the University of Cagliari. These courses are designed to involve every aspect of the language: grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary, with the aim of developing the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


There will be 4 intensive courses: English B1, English B2, Spanish A2, and Spanish B1each lasting 25 hours, with twice-weekly lessons, possibly in the time slot 14-16.


UniCA has reserved 60 places for EDUC staff: 3 employees per EDUC University per course.


The staff attending the course will get a certificate of attendance.

The course will start on March 1, 2021. Contact your international department till February 26, 2021.


Starting date: March 1, 2021

Duration: 25 hours

Timetable: 2 lessons per week, possibly in the time slot 14/16

Levels of the English courses: B1 and B2

Levels of the Spanish course: A2 and B1

EDUC participants: 3 employees per university per course

Deadline for applications: February 26 2021