Dive into the French Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


Do you want to understand the main steps of kicking off a business? Do you want to exchange and network with French students? Do you want to consider the potential for development in France? This entrepreneurial program is for you!


When: 29 March - 7 April 2022

Where: Rennes (France)


Bootcamps, workshops, and business networking with local entrepreneurs and startup hubs, but also cultural visits!


How you will benefit from this program:

  • networking with local French entrepreneurial stakeholders
  • Brainstorming with international peers
  • Exploring French business opportunities for startups
  • Thinking about international expansion of your business project
  • Discovering Brittany and French cuisine


Prerequisites: to have a business project (from the idea to the beginning of the business model) + B2 English level


Deadline for application: 18 February 2022

Application link: https://enquetes-partenaires.univ-rennes1.fr/index.php/864782?newtest=Y&lang=en


For more information visit: https://international.univ-rennes1.fr/en/10-day-entrepreneurship-programme