Great Expectations - The EDUC Alliance participated in an HEI conference in Bergen, Norway

#UniversityofPécs #PotsdamUniversity #USN #EuropeanUnion

"Great Expectations - What does it mean to be a role model? How do European University alliances and other stakeholders interpret this role?"

Under this headline, Prof. István Tarrósy, Director of the International Centre at the University of Pécs, participated in the first plenary session of an international conference co-created by four Erasmus+ National Agencies, based in Austria (OeAD), Germany (DAAD), Hungary (Tempus Public Foundation) and Norway (HK-dir), in Bergen as a representative of the EDUC Alliance, spreading innovative results from the University Alliances to other Higher Education Institutions.

Prof. Tarrósy highlighted that the member universities of the EDUC Alliance are already role models in their regional ecosystems as driving forces and engines of development and innovation. He pointed out that the EUI offers the opportunity to enhance a new dimension of thinking about and working for partnerships. From this perspective, EDUC fosters a new cooperation culture toward agility. 

Participating in this with three of our EDUC staff members from the University of Pécs, the University of South-Eastern Norway, and the University of Potsdam is a pleasure! It's always great to exchange experiences and share best practices on our innovative journey to transform the European higher education landscape.