Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for young doctors in EDUC

#RennesUniversity #Students #RESEARCH

The University of Rennes – and other research institutions in Brittany, France – are glad to offer young doctors in EDUC a unique opportunity to win a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, with the application in 2023 and start in 2024.

It can help establish a first link or nurture cooperation between research teams within our Alliance. For the application, referring to EDUC will undoubtedly be a ‘selling’ added value for the evaluators. Additionally, the applicants will get support from their future labs and supervisors along the process of proposal writing (by September 13th).

There are 26 research topics offered by our laboratories, preselected at the regional level. These are here, together with the eligibility criteria and guidance for application. The application deadline is May 1st.