Micro-Symposium on Managing Research Data and Code

#PotsdamUniversity #EDUC-SHARE #Workshop

Micro-Symposium on Managing Research Data and Code

Do you want to know how research data management works in the scientific landscape of Brandenburg, Germany?

Be our virtual guest at the Micro-Symposium on Managing Research Data and Code and hear four different lectures about:

  • Open Science at the University of Potsdam
  • The software pillar in research data management
  • Digital infrastructure for the agrosystem domain
  • Research data management in Brandenburg

More info about the event and how to participate via Zoom here: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/openscience/events

The events at the University of Potsdam are co-organized by EDUC-SHARE*, the Research and Innovation part of EDUC, and the joint research data team from UB and ZIM.