Steering Committee meeting in Castelló

#Jaume I

The Universitat Jaume I has closed the transnational meeting of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) in which representatives of the eight universities that make up the consortium, including the public university of Castellón, have addressed for two days the consolidation strategy of this university alliance funded by the European Union.


One of the strategic aims of the project addressed during the meeting has been Education. During the different sessions, which were attended by vice-rectors from the partner universities with responsibility for studies and teaching, the progress achieved in the pilot project was presented, as well as the objectives set for the coming years in this area.



In particular, the strategies that will make it possible to share teaching infrastructures between the EDUC partner universities were discussed, as well as ways of promoting the internationalization of the curricula at the different universities, including virtual mobility and its recognition and the establishment of double degrees and joint degrees. Work will also be done on the introduction of micro-credentials in the universities' offer on the expansion of intensive programs that combine face-to-face and virtual mobility, and also the promotion of students' key competencies.


Read more in the official press release or check the short aftermovie.


You can also read about the event in local media: Periódico El Mundo | Periódico Mediterráneo | Castellón Plaza | Europa Press