SUBCLUSTERING EVENT - “Just transition” in urban sustainability policy design


In the framework of the Horizon 2020 EDUC-SHARE project, the sub-clustering event “Just transition in urban sustainability policy design” was held at the University of Cagliari on 8 and 9 January, 2024. The seminar aimed to engage researchers on the topic of just transition within sustainability policies, particularly at the urban and suburban levels. The event was attended by representatives of the EDUC-SHARE partner universities (Paris Nanterre, Masaryk and Pécs) as well as by the external stakeholders from the Regional Programming Centre and “La Carovana“ Social cooperative.

While the first day was dedicated to the presentation of the works and previous research experiences, the second day focused on the presentation of funding opportunities from the #HorizonEurope program. This was followed by a group discussion and in-depth exploration of specific research ideas to converge on concrete project proposals for submission to European and national funding bodies.

Looking forward to future opportunities of collaboration in the fields of sustainability and just transition!