Objectives of the seminar
The seminar aims at exploring in an interdisciplinary manner the link between justice, inequality, and inclusion, more specifically from a European perspective and with a focus on migration in the European Union. It will deal with three main issues:
- Access to justice for migrants and asylum-seekers in Europe: What is the scope of the rights that migrants and asylum seekers should enjoy? What are the various means and requirements under regional, international, and national law to ensure the enforcement of those rights and provide remedies in case of violation?
- Which barriers do migrant workers face in accessing justice, including the ability to assert legal rights in the workplace and to access to mechanisms for legal redress or remedy?
- What does access to justice mean for children in the context of child refugees and migrants (especially unaccompanied minors and young asylum seekers)?
Date of the workshop
In line with one of the main objectives of the EDUC partner universities, which is to encourage and strengthen cooperation in research, the University of Paris Nanterre (France) is organizing a three-day workshop within the EDUC-SHARE project next October, beginning on the 18th of October, 2.30 pm, ending on the 20th October, 5 pm.
Who can apply?
The call is open to researchers, professors, and Ph.D.s regularly enrolled in one of the Doctoral programs of the EDUC partners. The call is also open to Master students having a particular interest in the issues of migration and justice, from an international, regional, or national perspective.
The applicants should be prepared to discuss and to participate in an active way in team discussions, as the seminars will fully involve the participants in role-plays and case studies.
How to apply?
If you are interested in participating in the workshops, please send us an updated CV along with a short description of your research topics at one of the following addresses: bcmyriam@yahoo.fr, evatheocharidi@gmail.com, marjolaine.roccati@parisnanterre.fr. Please also specify which of the workshop’s topics seems most relevant to you.
The application must be submitted by the 17th September 2023.
The project “EDUC-SHARE” has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101017526.